Integration of Bitstamp API with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script
Integration of Bitstamp api with Google sheets using Google apps script In this Post, we Integrate google sheets to Bitstamp API through the ‘authenticated’ section of the API so I can access my account information.This Script is to Get account balances from Bitstamp. function Bitstamp() { eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(‘’). getContentText()); var key = ”; var secret = […]
Integration of Bitfinex API with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script
In this Post, we Integrate google sheets to Bitfinex API through the ‘authenticated’ section of the API so I can access my account information. Here is the API link.This Script is to Get account wallet balances from Bitfinex. function bitfinex() { var api_key = ”; var api_secret = ”; var apiPath = “v2/auth/r/wallets”; var nonce = […]
Integration of Bittrex API with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script
In this Post, we Integrate google sheets to Bittrex API through the ‘authenticated’ section of the API so I can access my account information. This Script is to Get account balances from Bittrex. //Enable 2FA ( on your account. API Keys cannot be generated unless 2FA is enabled. var key = ”; var secret = […]
Integration of localbitcoin API with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script
Integration of localbitcoin API with Google Sheets using Google Apps ScriptIntegration of localbitcoin API with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script In this Post, we Integrate google sheets to Bitcoin API through the ‘authenticated’ section of the API so I can access my account information. This Script is to Get account balances from Bitcoin. function […]
Easy Lodgify Integration with google sheets using Google Apps script
You don’t have to pay a single penny to Lodgify Integration with google sheets using Google Apps script.Lodgify is a simple vacation rental software. We will create a Google Sheets feed by some basic booking information (about 8 data fields) pulled from Lodgify bookings using Lodgify API and also set the trigger to fetch the […]
Find distance between Multiple Location in Google sheets
In this post, I will show you how to Find distance between multiple location in google sheets using Google Apps Script and how to calculate the duration. Internally, it uses the Google Maps service of Google Apps Script to find the distance and directions between the Multiple Location Google Sheets Find distance between Multiple Location […]